Tuesday, April 17, 2012

"WorkFlowy" Organize Ideas, Concepts, and Tasks

WorkFlowy is a simple task management service, which can make you less stressed and more productive. Watch this 24 second video to see how it works.


WorkFlowy works in an intuitive outline format. It works just like I would have it function if I was writing a list of things to do in a notebook. Click "+" to add an item and use the tab key to indent an item. To set a due date for yourself just type a hashtag like #today or #tomorrow to prioritize your tasks. When you complete a task just click on it and strike it out.

WorkFlowy has a series of tutorial videos to help you discover all of the little tricks it offers, but even if you don't watch them you can use WorkFlowy efficiently. The video below shows the fundamental of WorkFlowy in  24 seconds.


The beauty of WorkFlowy is this: it lets you break things down into ever smaller pieces. This makes it perfect for organizing complex projects, brainstorming and a lot more. Try breaking down some of your projects, and you'll start to see the potential.


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