These are recent Augmented Reality Works that I have found interesting.
1. 'iOptik' Contact Lenses with Augmented Reality by Innovega
iOptiks are contact lenses that enhance your normal vision by allowing you to view virtual and augmented reality images without the use of any bulky apparatus. Instead of oversized VR helmets, digital images are projected onto tiny displays in full color that sit very near to your eye. iOptik lenses enhance your normal vision within the confines of your actual eye via the contact lens, the resulting effect allows for very real immersive 3-D large screen images.
Of course it isn't just 3-D images that iOptiks can project. Innovega says that the applications for iOptiks go beyond simple movie viewing. While the micro-display can be occluded to allow for highly immersive 3-D images similar to what you would experience at the movies, it can also be used for 3-D gaming. You will even be able to utilize a "transparent display for augmented reality applications". iOptik Lens by Innovega were demonstrated at CES 2012. This contact lenses with nanotechnology that, when combined with a special set of glasses, allows one to focus close to read a heads-up display projected on the glasses, while seeing far. They can also be used for delivering full-field 3D or for 360 degree Gaming Experience.
In this video, Randall Sprague, CTO of Innovega, explains how this device works and potential applications.
2. Metaio's Augmented City with 3D markerless tracking
Metaio's Dr. Himane explains how the Augmented City is being upgraded to benefit from 3D markerless tracking.
[viddler id=7f90a654 w=437 h=288]
3. Uni.Cover Augmented Reality Web Photo Booth
Take a part in a magazine-like cover shot, and share the experience with friends on Facebook!
4. ARFixer
ARFixer is a technology that uses Augmented Reality and solutions that allows you to edit any logo and associate it with extra, hidden, "zafixowanymi" information and content.
Reader of books, newspapers, leaflets, folder, the client with the product packaging or sitting in front of the television viewer, directing the camera lens of your mobile phone or tablet for the selected logo gets access to new information and content in the form of audio, video, graphics, games and web servers. Technology ARFixer easily enrich what we see.
5. Augmented Reality Classroom in KOREA
AR (Augmented Reality : 증강현실) 을 이용한 과학콘텐츠 살아있는과학으로 수업하는 모습을 담은 영상입니다. 학생들이 신기하고 즐거워 하는 모습을 볼수 있습니다.
Related Article: Futuristic Learning and Training in Augmented Reality
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